He was upset I charged him for 2 quarts.He swung at me
His name was Richard Cranium, right?
You did the right thing.
some guy came in today and his audi is using oil as most do.
he was upset i charged him for 2 quarts.
he swung at me and i stepped away and told him to have a good day.. as he left the shop he ran against a red light and got hit broadside i laughed like crazy .
He was upset I charged him for 2 quarts.He swung at me
His name was Richard Cranium, right?
You did the right thing.
i dont often post on here but lurk everday.
i was an elder for 11 years, raised as a witness from birth and eventually left in 2002 aged 42.. my dad died on friday aged 87. he was a witness baptized in 1940. he was congregation servant and then elder in hull, england.. we were arranging his funeral tonight with my 2 brothers who are still witness elders.
all they were interested in was what he had done in the "truth".
I'm so sorry for your loss of your father, Mike.
If it were me, I'd write the story. Then sleep on it. Think about what the results could be. Weigh your options and do with the letter what will make you feel better.
sorry if this has already been posted.
Yep, I forgot my manners.
Welcome to the JWD forum, Raven!
Tell us as much about yourself as you're comfortable with revealing.
is this old news?
anyone from uk familiar with the story?.
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23389711-details/sadistic+foster+mother's+19-year+reign+of+terror/article.do .
Yes, this has been posted about half a dozen times. But thanks!
Welcome to JWD! Tell us about yourself, as much as you're comfortable with revealing.
sorry if this has already been posted.
this has already been posted.
Yes, it has. No worries. Just flip back a few pages under active topics and you'll see it.
ive looked it up but i dont see what it really means.
im all the time hearing people say, the scripture is not literally speaking but its symbolic.
so what does symbolic mean?
Can lust be symbolic? I suppose. If I see someone "in lust" I usually visualize a very large condom on their cranium, worn as a cap.
ive looked it up but i dont see what it really means.
im all the time hearing people say, the scripture is not literally speaking but its symbolic.
so what does symbolic mean?
I really think Revelation was intended to be metaphorical. Revelation was written in signs, meaning that it wasn't to be taken literally. Sign has the meaning in some cases that symbol has:
sign [sin]
n (plural signs)
1. thing representing something else: something that indicates or expresses the existence of something else not immediately apparent
a sign of wealth
2. something conveying idea: an action or gesture used to convey an idea, information, a wish, or a command
His kick under the table was a sign that we should leave.
3. advertising notice: a publicly displayed structure carrying lettering or designs intended to advertise a business or product, e.g. a painted board or neon lights
4. information notice: a publicly displayed notice or board bearing directions, instructions, or warnings
a highway sign
5. indication: something that indicates the presence of something or somebody
no sign of life
6. trace left by animal: a trace of a wild animal, e.g. the droppings, scent, or footprints
7. omen: something interpreted as being an omen
8. astrology division of zodiac: any one of the 12 equal parts into which the zodiac is divided, each represented by a symbol
9. medicine evidence of disease: an indication of the presence of a disease or disorder, especially one observed by a doctor but not apparent to the patient
Fever is a sign of an infection.
10. mathematics logic symbol used in math or logic: a symbol indicating an operation or relation in mathematics or logic
the plus sign
11. music musical notation symbol: a symbol used in musical notation
12. communication Same as sign language
If you think about it in terms of sports, think about the mascots of the teams or the teams' names. The bulls, for instance. The bull represents fierceness, tenacity, stubbornness. This symbol or sign tells you that the Bulls are a fierce, tenacious and stubborn opponent on the field. Or at least that's what they want their opposing team to think of them.
If you look at the 11th item in the list of definitions for "sign" you'll see that it gives the example of a musical note representing an actual sound. A symbol of a sound.
i've been kind of sad the past few days for several reasons, but, there are certain songs that just cause the tears to flow whenever i hear them (and especially alone).
only time by enya.
i know that this song is often linked to the sept 11 attacks, but it really is just so hauntingly beautiful.
Wind Beneath My Wings
I even get teary-eyed when I think about it. It was Kristi's song. She danced with her father on her wedding day to this song. She was my last patient and died almost 2 yrs ago. It doesn't seem that long ago.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
I think that when you are being abused and life goes on as normal around you, in your child's mind, its inevitable that you are going to blame yourself and feel like the guilty party - everything around you is fine and 'normal' only you know that you arn't - so it must be your fault. I can see why it would be unimaginable to consider that it could happen to anyone else.Now that society is looking at the subject in such minute detail means that eventually we will do what is needed, and we'll do it together, which is how it should be.
Yes, Bernadette. That must have been the reason why I thought something was wrong with me alone. I could not consciously imagine he would do that to anyone else.
I'm truly relieved that society is finally giving this matter the attention it deserves. It's waaaaaay overdue. Children have been victimized for too many centuries. We can all work together now, as you say.
i have not tried to hide my past as a victim of this, but this is always an area that i have to fight my personally feelings as to what should be done to child molesters.
they ruin lives, scar an individual for a lifetime!.
should they be incarcerated for life, castrated, turned over to the family member(s), public humiliation like a branding everywhere they go, tortured and or death penality?.
Frannie, I'm sorry........I'm lucky enough to never have been molested and you're right----I've never had to walk in your shoes and I'm sorry for making you feel worse because that wasn't my intention. I guess I'm still looking at this through the eyes of some in 2007----not 40 or 50 years ago when the world was much different. I felt sick when I read what he did to your kids----and I don't even know them, so I can't imagine what that did to you.
All I can say is that it's too bad your step-monster is already dead-----or I'd be only too happy to do you one big favour.
WHEW! I was afraid you'd never understand at all, Mary. I was so outraged and enraged over what he did to my children I wanted to kill him over and over and over again. Once would not have been enough. If I'd had a machine gun, he'd have been ground meat. If there hadn't been a statute of limitations back then, I'd have had him sent to prison for life without parole. My daughter didn't tell me until 6 mos. too late to file charges. It only had become a non-taboo subject that year and when I found out, I never allowed him to enter my house again and we never visited him.
We didn't tell my mother. She was ill and older by then and didn't live another year. I couldn't see any reason to ruin the rest of her life, too.
Yes, I was naive AND stupid. I honestly thought I was so flawed that I was the only one he would do that to. And I felt so much guilt and sorrow over my children. Still do. But it's over and there's nothing that can change things now, not even the guilt.